Create Business TODAY Using Social Media and the Internet

Fort Myers Real Estate School, Larson Educational Services, is pleased to announce the offering of a new class:

Create Business TODAY Using Social Media and the Internet

Join Charly Caldwell, President of Internet Services Group of Florida, as he discusses changes in technology and how to capitalize on the changes to generate business.
“Millions of people are making buying decisions from their iPhones, Facebook, Twitter, and the search engines, such as Google,” says Charlie, “if you’re not on board, you’re missing out, BIG TIME! As many are finding, traditional media, such as the phone book, newspaper ads, flyers, and even TV and radio are generating less activity than they used to. Statistics show more and more people are using the web to find answers and contact companies”.

Class Information
Friday, April 1, 2011
10:00am – 12:00pm
Larson Educational Services
Royal Palm Square
1400 Colonial Blvd, Suite 44
Fort Myers, FL 33907 – VIEW A MAP
REGISTER NOW or Call (239) 344-7510
**This class is designed specifically to help real estate professionals gain an understanding of social media and how it applies to small business, particularily real estate businesses.**

During the Social Media discussion, Charly will cover topics including:
  • an overview of social media,
  • why business should use it,
  • defining core goals,
  • understanding how social media helps businesses reach their core goal,
  • effective social media strategies
  • how to create, deploy, test and measure those strategies

During the Internet and Website discussion, topics covered will include:

  • an overview of Google analytics,
  • defining core goals,
  • testing and measuring results,
  • defining target markets
  • monitoring Web site and blog behavior using Google Analytics

Says Charly, “This is a huge opportunity for real estate professionals in Southwest Florida—the knowledge they gain during this class will be invaluable. I’m really excited to be a part of it, along with Larson Educational Services, and to share my business experience. This class will stress how important it is to test and measure in order to gain any meaningful results and be successful.”

