Uniform State Test (UST) Prep Course for Mortgage Loan Originators

As of April 1, 2013, there is a test called the NMLS Uniform State Test or USTthat with a passing score, allows you to easily apply for your mortgage loan originator license in the 24 states accepting the UST? The 24 states are doing away with a “State-Specific” test and allowing licensure by passing the new 25 question UST. 

For only $69, Larson Educational Services will provide you with our NMLS Uniform State Test (UST) Prep Course:

*a 45 page PDF workbook crammed with testable information
*easy to read notes, terms, definitions and statutes
*two (2) online 25 question password-protected exams 
*full exam report showing your practice test scores and explanations for the correct answers
*each online exam can be taken 2 times
*Our online testing and tutoring system is designed for rapid learning to prepare you for success on the NMLS Uniform State Test (UST) 


Purchase from our website –http://www.larsoned.com/mortgageloanoriginator/nmls/uniform-state-test-ust-prep-course/

The exam will be based on the generic, broad guidelines established by the SAFE Act for the states to enact as a foundation for their statute creating process.

I.       Department of Financial Institutions or Mortgage Regulatory Commission

a. Regulatory authority
b. Responsibilities and limitations

II.     State Law and Regulation Definitions

III.    License Law and Regulation

a. Persons required to be licensed
b. Licensee qualifications and application process
c. Grounds for denying a license
d. License maintenance

IV.     Compliance

a. Prohibited conduct and practices
b. Required conduct
c. Advertising

Which 24 states are accepting the new Uniform State Test (UST)?
Click this link to view a map – http://freepdfhosting.com/a16a355834.pdf

What are the UST details?

*It costs $33
*It is 25 questions
*You have 45 minutes to complete the test
*The passing score is 75% (19 correct)

When can I take the UST?
The UST is available beginning on April 1, 2013.

If I fail the test the first time, how long must I wait to take it again?
If you do not pass the UST the first time, you must wait 30 days to retake it. If you fail it 2 times, you will then have to wait 180 days (6 months) before you can take it again.

What is the process to take the UST?

1. Log into the NMLS website and pay the $33 test fee.
2. Contact Prometric and schedule a test – http://www.prometric.com/NMLS or  877.671.6657.
3. PURCHASE and study the LarsonEd UST Exam Prep Course. –http://www.larsoned.com/mortgageloanoriginator/nmls/uniform-state-test-ust-prep-course/
4. PASS!

Will the UST replace ALL State Exams?
No, but it will replace the state tests in the 24 states accepting the UST. All other states will still require the passing of a State-Specific exam.

Questions? Call Larson Educational Services at (239) 344-7510.
