2021 Classes at LarsonEd

I hope you had a wonderful holiday season. We are gearing up for a very busy first quarter of 2021 and we are taking many calls and registrations for the reopening of our in person classes, as well as for our very popular online streaming LarsonLIVE classes.

Whether you need to renew your real estate license or are interested in obtaining a new license as a Community Association Manager or Mortgage Loan Originator, Larson Educational Services has the solution for you in 2021.

Call us at 239-344-7510 with any questions or visit us at LarsonEd.com.

REMEMBER TO GET REGISTERED EARLY if you plan on taking Post-Licensing or Continuing Education courses in the classroom in 2021. These courses typically sell-out and we recommend getting registered right away, especially since we have reduced our seating capacity to less than 50%.

Thank you for continuing to make Larson Educational Services your School of Choice! Here’s to an EXCELLENT 2021! ~ Brad Larson

3/31/21 = Renewal Deadline

Approximately 25% of all real estate license holders in Florida have a license renewal deadline of 3/31/21.

Is this you?

If so, please ask yourself the following questions and view the answers to ensure your license stays current for another 2 years:

  • Have I paid my license renewal fee?

    Even if you’ve completed all of your education requirements please make sure that you’ve also paid your license renewal fee to the DBPR. One of the most common reasons we hear for a license becoming “inactive” is that licensees forget to pay the renewal fee. Remember that it is our responsibility as the school to report your class hours to the DBPR, but you have to pay the renewal fee. CLICK THIS LINK to go to the DBPR website and login to pay your renewal fee.

  • What do I do if this my first license renewal?

    If this is your first license renewal, you need to have completed post licensing education. The requirement is 45 hours of education for Sales Associates and 60 hours for Brokers. If you do not complete the post licensing course by the deadline, your license will go “Null and Void”. Brokers who do not complete the post licensing requirement have 6 months to revert to a Sales Associate license before going “Null and Void”. If you have not yet completed the post licensing education, CLICK HERE for course information.

  • I’ve taken continuing education classes, but have I completed all the required hours?

    For every license renewal date AFTER your first renewal, you need to complete 14 hours of continuing education. The required courses and their respective hours are as follows: 3 Hours Florida Core Law, 3 Hours Business Ethics, and 8 Hours Elective Credits. If you have not yet completed the continuing education, CLICK HERE for course information.

  • How do I check to see if the classes I’ve taken are linked to my license?

    CLICK THIS LINK to go to the DBPR website and login to your license account to see if you have any education shortfalls. PLEASE NOTE that if your license has already successfully renewed, your account will show an education shortfall for your next renewal date of 3/31/23. If this is the case, congratulations, you are all set to go for this renewal!

Email us with renewal questions

Available Courses

In addition to our classroom education, the majority of our courses are also available in our online streaming LarsonLIVE platform. These courses are INSTRUCTOR-LED, online and on demand video education.

Complete at your own pace, but with our LarsonEd instructor team teaching you every step of the way.

Each class unit contains embedded videos, like the image of what you see above, to walk you through the course material in detail. The instructors will provide examples and stories to help teach key points.

Clicking a link below will take to your our classroom course schedule, but you can also see information about our online course alternatives.




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